Thornbury Town and District Residents Association

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Acknowledgements – Dan Norris 24th December 2021 and Luke Hall 23rd Decemebr 2021

Jan 10, 2022

Copy of email from Dan Norris – Metro Mayor for the West of England,
received on 24th December 2021 in response to our emails of 6th & 13th December 2021

Re: Thornbury High Street – Please reject SGC Business Case (Case Ref: WE286)

Thank you for your email regarding Thornbury High Street.

As you will be aware Thornbury High Street was closed by South Gloucestershire Council using an Experimental Traffic Order which was funded through the Department of Transport’s Active Travel Fund, receiving £220,000. This trial of this is anticipated to end in January 2022. I know that South Gloucestershire was keen to spend the money they had been given by government but the rush-job does not appear to have given an outcome that is acceptable to huge numbers in the community.

South Gloucestershire Council is currently consulting on the next stage of the scheme. An Outline Business Case has been developed and submitted to the West of England Combined Authority identifying a potential funding ask of £4.6m. This includes sufficient detail so that a decision as to whether to approve or not could be taken at a committee meeting of the Combined Authority. Stakeholders and members of the public would have the chance to make statements on the business case and any recommendations at this point. I have said that I cannot agree to further funding unless there has been a full, respectful consultation.

I hope this is helpful.

Copy of email from Luke Hall – MP

Received on 23rd December 2021

Thank you for getting in touch and for bringing this to my attention. I do really appreciate your feedback and the position of the Thornbury Town and District Residents Association.

As our local MP, I would like to assure you that I remain fully committed to ensuring a return of bus services to the High Street, at the very nearest opportunity. I am hoping to meet with the Managing Director of First Bus in the New Year to discuss this in more detail, and will also be speaking to other local bus service providers and liaising with South Gloucestershire Council on this matter.

Please do keep in touch on this important topic, and if there is ever anything I can do to be of help to the Residents Association then please do not hesitate to let me know.