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Our Constitution
4. Name
The Association shall be called the Thornbury Town and District Residents Association, hereinafter referred to as TTaDRA.
5. Aims
5.1 To preserve and enhance the amenities and infrastructure of Thornbury and surrounding villages.
5.2 To advance and promote the interests of local residents and businesses by appropriate representations to and engagement with local, regional and national government – including Thornbury Town Council, South Gloucestershire Council and West of England Combined Authority.
6. Long Term Objectives
6.1 To ensure that Thornbury Town Council and South Gloucestershire Council engage actively with the local community in an effective and meaningful manner.
6.2 To adopt an inclusive approach and ensure that the needs of residents and stakeholders are heard and met as far is practical.
7. Immediate Objectives
7.1 To return Thornbury High Street to a vibrant, successful, celebrated and active part of the Town.
7.2 To ensure that the best solutions are fully explored and subsequently adopted in the revitalisation of Thornbury High Street, including the area & roads surrounding the Town Centre.
g. To ensure that best practice is adopted by SGC in determining how the High Street is revitalised.
h. To challenge the fact that to date SGC have not followed best practice.
i. To ensure that no further changes are undertaken until the above points have been fully addressed.
j. To reverse the divisive impact of SGC’s approach to date.
k. To support the idea of encouraging pedestrians & cyclists together with use of public transport to access the town centre from the fringes of Thornbury.
l. The building of a substantial and safe network for cyclists and pedestrians from the new housing developments and along Bristol Road should be the priority.
8. Membership
4.1 Membership of TTaDRA shall be open to all residents and businesses within the boundaries of Thornbury Town Council and surrounding villages.
9. Executive commitee
9.1 Management and operation of TTaDRA shall rest with an Executive Committee (herein after called the EC) comprising officers and members which shall not exceed 15 members in total. It shall have the power to manage the affairs of TTaDRA for the benefit of members.
9.2 The Officers shall comprise the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Communications.
9.3 Membership of the EC shall be subject to election at the Annual General Meeting (hereinafter called the AGM) to be held in November each year (clause 5). The Secretary and Treasurer shall be individually elected at the AGM while the other members of the committee shall be elected en bloc, provided the Chair and attendees at the meeting are in agreement to this process. Election of these members of the Committee shall be from general members of the TTaDRA duly nominated by two members and confirmed by majority vote of the members attending the AGM.
9.4 The Chair shall be elected by the first meeting of the EC following the AGM from amongst its members. This committee meeting shall also appoint up to two VIce Chair for the year. These posts shall not be held for more than 10 years.
9.5 During the year other members may be co-opted onto the Committee by the sitting Executive Committee and subject to election at the ensuing AGM.
9.6 Any Officer or EC Members shall vacate his/her office on ceasing to be a member of TTaDRA.
10. Management and Operations
10.1 TTaDRA shall be managed by the EC and the following meetings shall be held:
• Annual General Meeting
• Executive Committee Meetings
• Special General Meetings
10.2 The AGM of TTaDRA shall be held not later than the end of November in each year. Notice of the AGM shall be given not less than 7 days prior to the meeting. This notice shall be circulated with an Agenda to those members who have given their current email address to the Membership Secretary.
The Chair at the AGM shall be taken by the Chair, Vice Chair of the EC or by such person as the EC shall decide. Failing a decision by the EC the members of the committee shall elect a Chairman for that meeting.
The quorum for the AGM of the Association shall be 20 members.
10.3 Executive Committee meetings shall be held monthly except in December. The Chair or Vice Chair shall take the Chair or in their absence the members present shall elect the Chairman for that meeting. Seven elected members of the Executive Committee of which at least three shall be officers shall constitute a quorum.
10.4 All members of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to a vote on any subject before the Committee and the Chair shall have a casting vote in addition to his/her ordinary vote.
10.5 Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend five consecutive meetings of the Committee shall, in the absence of a satisfactory explanation, be deemed to have resigned his/her membership of the Committee.
10.6 The EC shall have the power to appoint sub-committees to consider or enquire into any matter that the EC consider desirable or appropriate.
10.7 Any sub-committee shall be such directions and power as considered by the EC to be necessary.
10.8 The sub-committee shall appoint a Chair from amongst its members. The Chair of the sub-committee shall report its findings to the EC at the next appropriate meeting.
10.9 Special General Meetings of TTaDRA shall be called as and when determined by the EC or on written request to the TTaDRA Secretary made by not less than 20 members. The request shall state the topic of business for which the meeting is required. The meeting shall be held within 28 days of receipt of such a request and no business shall be transacted other than that which for which the meeting is called.
10.10 In the event of urgent matters arising which need to be dealt with immediately and there is no time to call a meeting of the EC the Chair shall have the power to make such decisions as appear to be necessary but shall first consult and agree with two other officers of TTaDRA. If the Chair is not available or incapacitated the Vice Chairmen shall have the same powers. Any such decision shall be submitted for discussion at the next meeting and may be reversed if so decided by the EC.
11. Voting Rights of Members
11.1 TTaDRA will maintain a register of membership, with each member household or business being entitled to one vote.
11.2 Any member of TTaDRA present at the AGM may request a vote on any matter. All members present shall be entitled to vote on any matter and a decision shall be made by majority vote provided the proposal has been seconded by one other member present. In the event of there being no majority the Chair shall have a casting vote in addition to his/her ordinary vote.
12. Subscriptions
12.1 The subscriptions for membership shall be set annually at a level determined by the EC subject to approval of the members present at the AGM.
12.2 The subscription shall be payable on joining TTaDRA and hereafter becomes due on 1st September in subsequent years.
13. Accounts
13.1 The accounts of TTaDRA shall be prepared by the Treasurer and approved by the EC prior to the AGM.
13.2 The financial year of the TTaDRA shall end on 30th October each year.
13.3 The Treasurer shall arrange for the Accounts to be examined annually.
13.4 The Accounts shall be presented at the AGM and approved by a majority of the members present at the meeting.
14. Examiner
14.1 The members of the AGM select an Independent Examiner who shall not hold any other office in TTaDRA. The Examiner shall examine the accounts of the TTaDRA and his/her report shall be presented to the members at the AGM.
15. Amendment of Alteration of Rules
15.1 Any proposal for amendment or alteration to these Rules shall be submitted in writing to the TTaDRA Secretary in writing not less than 14 days before the AGM. The EC shall report on the Proposal to the AGM with its recommendation whether to accept or reject the proposal with the final decision to be taken by majority vote of members present at the AGM.
16. General
16.1 The EC shall be empowered to determine any matter not dealt with by these rules.
17. Dissolution
17.1 To effect the dissolution of TTaDRA a Special General Meeting shall be called a vote taken.
17.2 On dissolution of TTaDRA the EC shall determine at its absolute discretion how the residual funds and assets shall be disbursed to appropriate bodies for use for charitable purposes.
These rules were adopted at the Committee meeting on 5th November 2021
We are actively looking to attract more members