A vote has been called on Thornbury High Street
At the Annual Town Meeting on 26 April 2022, a Parish Poll was called for on the following question:
Do you want Thornbury High Street returned to its pre-pandemic status of through traffic for all vehicles and timed parking bays on both sides of the carriageway?
Electoral Services of South Gloucestershire Council have confirmed that this wording is legally acceptable, and were informed on 27 April that the poll had been called. They are now checking that all the persons voting for this at the meeting are registered to vote in the parish of Thornbury, and must set a date for the poll in the window between 14 and 25 days of being notified.
NOTE: Polling cards are not issued for Parish Polls; and proxy and postal votes are also not permitted. This may sound discriminatory, but is part of the legislation.
TTADRA will be distributing information about the Poll to electors in Thornbury, by printed sheets and social media as soon as the polling date has been set.
This is the main chance, and perhaps the only one, for the electors of Thornbury to show in a straight Yes/No vote whether or not they are in agreement with the restoration of the historic High Street to its pre-Covid layout. Please take this chance to make your opinion heard.
The result of the vote is not binding on South Gloucestershire Council, but it can be very powerful in changing the thinking in the Council about whether their proposals for our High Street are in accordance with the democratic wishes of the electorate
We will post another item as soon as we are notified of the date of the poll
We will also then make contact with everyone whose email we have in order to recruit members to distribute information to all of the homes in Thornbury
25 people helped distributed leaflets for the Public Meeting earlier this year and we are hoping for 50 people this time since the we hope to cover the whole of Thornbury this time in order to achieve a high turnout. T