Aims and Objectives
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1. Aims
1.1 To preserve and enhance the amenities and infrastructure of Thornbury and surrounding villages.
1.2 To advance and promote the interests of local residents and businesses by appropriate representations to and engagement with local, regional and national government – including Thornbury Town Council, South Gloucestershire Council and West of England Combined Authority.

2. Long term objectives
2.1 To ensure that Thornbury Town Council and South Gloucestershire Council engage actively with the local community in an effective and meaningful manner.
2.2 To adopt an inclusive approach and ensure that the needs of residents and stakeholders are heard and met as far is practical.
3. Immediate Objectives
3.1 To return Thornbury High Street to a vibrant, successful, celebrated and active part of the Town.
3.2 To ensure that the best solutions are fully explored and subsequently adopted in the revitalisation of Thornbury High Street, including the area & roads surrounding the Town Centre.
a. To ensure that best practice is adopted by SGC in determining how the High Street is revitalised.
b. To challenge the fact that to date SGC have not followed best practice.
c. To ensure that no further changes are undertaken until the above points have been fully addressed.
d. To reverse the divisive impact of SGC’s approach to date.
e. To support the idea of encouraging pedestrians & cyclists together with use of public transport to access the town centre from the fringes of Thornbury.
f. The building of a substantial and safe network for cyclists and pedestrians from the new housing developments and along Bristol Road should be the priority.