Extract of email from South Gloucestershire Council in response to our first Treedom of Information request
Received on 24th December 2021
Thank you for your request for information received on 28th October 2021. Further to our acknowledgement and my letter of the 25th November 2021, I am writing to provide the Council’s response to your enquiry. This is provided at the end of this letter.
I trust that your questions have been satisfactorily answered. If you have any questions about this response then please contact me again via ECSFeedback@southglos.gov.uk or at the address below.
If you are not happy with this response you have the right to request an internal review by emailing ECSFeedback@southglos.gov.uk. Please quote the reference number above when contacting the Council again.
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or via their website at www.ico.org.uk
EIR request reference: FIDP/017090-21 Request Title: Environmental Information Request
Date received: 29/10/21 Service areas: Regeneration and Streetcare
Date responded: 22/12/2021
EIR Request Questions Response
Please provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Environmental Regulations (EIRS) within 20 days of this request
Please confirm which of these SGC Aims have or will be fully or even partially satisfied – “supports the local economy, the community and our climate emergency goals”
It would appear that none of these have or will be attained and in fact the local economy has declined, indeed the High Street closure and consequent increase in traffic to Rock Street is creating division within in the community and furthermore there is increased congestion and pollution leading to an adverse Environmental Impact
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities. This asks for an opinion and is not therefore subject to the provisions of the Environmental Impact Regulations or the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Provide details of all:
a) Surveys
b) Risk assessments
c) Environmental impacts
d) Economic assessments
e) Health & Safety
f) Road Safety
g) Traffic Survey
h) Pollution monitoring
i) Relevant Reports
j) Any other related items
These should be both for the period before implementation of the High Street closure and up to the present time.
Surveys and assessments etc. should obviously be for all seasons, weather and in particular during school term time Monday to Friday when congestion and pollution are at their most severe Pre-implementation information:
Planning – Evidence and public reports which supported the development of the South Gloucestershire Core Strategy relating to Thornbury and the Councils Annual Monitoring report 2020. Please note the public website contains other reports relating to planning policy and Annual Monitoring reports for previous years:
12-Thornbury-@-May-2015.pdf (southglos.gov.uk)
South-Glos:-Core-Strategy-Inspectors-Report.pdf (southglos.gov.uk)
Thornbury-FAQs.pdf (southglos.gov.uk)
1 Introduction (southglos.gov.uk)
AMR-2020.pdf (southglos.gov.uk)
Air Quality – this information is available as part of Figure E16 of the following document:
Executive summary (southglos.gov.uk)
Traffic survey information – the only traffic survey information prior to the implementation of the scheme was a manual survey count undertaken at the junction with Midland Way. This is attached, emails A-C.
Post-implementation to the present time:
At this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after May 2022 (subject to change).
In addition, provide any information relating to:
Air Quality and Pollution in the High Street, Midland Way, Rock Street, Quaker Lane, The Plain and surrounding roads
Impact on the residents of the three retirement complexes located in Midland Way, Rock Street and Castle Street
Road safety including mixing of vehicles and cyclists in a pedestrian area
Access and parking for the disabled, inclusive of blue badge holders, bus passengers, pedestrians including both the physically and mentally handicapped groups
Assessment of impact to traders and businesses
Imposition of changes following the Pandemic Environmental crisis policy
Pollution impact on Rock Street
Economic impact
Rerouting of bus routes and delays by caused by congestion
Impact of recently approved housing developments on the edge of town
Air Quality – this information is available as part of Figure E16 of the following document which is available on the Council website.
Executive summary (southglos.gov.uk)
At this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after May 2022 (subject to change).
At this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after May 2022 (subject to change).
Information relating to parking for the disabled, including blue badge holders is included as part of the decision report for the Traffic Regulation Orders available on the Council website.
In respect to the other information requested, at this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after May 2022 (subject to change).
At this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after May 2022 (subject to change).
At this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after May 2022 (subject to change).
Please confirm source of existing and proposed funding and copies of correspondence with such funding bodies including WECA, Central Government, European Union etc.
Will all of this income be allocated to the Thornbury Town Centre?
Funding for the existing scheme development is from WECA and will be spent on the development of the Thornbury High Street scheme. Copies of correspondence attached (emails 1-12).
Funding for the implementation of the permanent scheme is subject to agreement of a business case submitted to WECA. At this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after 26th January 2022 (subject to change).
Funding for the implementation of the permanent scheme is subject to agreement of a business case submitted to WECA. At this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after 26th January 2022 (subject to change).
Provide the Cost Plan for the works including details of information/specification/drawings on which the Cost Plans are based
Confirm itemised Expenditure to date for all items in connection with works including signage, temporary cabins, security, desk & physical surveys, street furniture, road marking, flower tubs, officers time, consultants, publicity, legal fees etc. At this time, the Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after May 2022 (subject to change).
The figures included in the table below are to date figures based upon the most recent information available at the time of the request:
2020/21 2021/22
Desk and Physical Surveys £14,600.00 £15,505.00
Officers Time £31,494.67 £102,455.16
Legal fees £3,869.95 £2,048.83
Security £3,418.80 £0.00
Consultants £10,057.11 £218,770.96
Flower tubs £7,653.44 £0.00
Bus Shelter £5,950.00 £0.00
Photography £100.00 £0.00
Utility diversion design fees £0.00 £1,229.44
Signage, temporary cabins, street furniture, road marking £134,960.63 £84,461.78
What are the increases in response times for emergency services caused by the rerouting from the High Street and increased congestion – police, ambulance and fire. For instance, the Fire Station is manned by volunteers who would firstly need to reach the fire station from their place of work/home and then experience traffic delays and Ambulances would be unable to travel North along the High Street Under Regulation 12, part 4 (a) – The Council does not hold this information when the request was received.
How many traders and shops in the High Street have left, ceased trading or are in the process of moving away from the High Street Under Regulation 12, part 4 (a) – The Council does not hold this information when the request was received.
Impact of road closure on events that traditionally use the High Street including Thornbury Christmas Lights Association switch on and street fair, Berkeley Hunt Boxing Day Meet, Remembrance Day parade, Summer Carnival and Parade
Impact of road closure on Tourism and numbers of people using the Town Hall Information Centre The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities. This asks for an opinion and is not therefore subject to the provisions of the Environmental Impact Regulations.
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities. This asks for an opinion and is not therefore subject to the provisions of the Environmental Impact Regulations.
What contact has been made with bus companies including Four Towns and Vale Link and School Buses?
Provide details and dates of Consultations with Stakeholders and in particular Traders and Businesses in the Town Centre
What consultations have been held with other public bodies such as English Heritage
What is the Impact on the Conservation Area
Email contact has taken place with Four Towns and Vale Link. In addition, an onsite meeting has been made with Stagecoach and First Bus.
This information is contained in the Thornbury Changes Consultation Output report, the June 7th Cabinet report and the decision report for the Traffic Regulation Orders. All available on the Council’s website.
Thornbury-High-Street-Consultation-Output-Report-V4.pdf (southglos.gov.uk)
Please note additional engagement with stakeholders has also taken place in addition to formal consultation.
See above for formal consultation, separate consultation has been undertaken with English Heritage.
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities. This asks for an opinion and is not therefore subject to the provisions of the Environmental Impact Regulations.
Provide report on the impact of the works – both current and proposed, and the special considerations that have been taken into account for:
1.The Hatch Camphill Community, which is a special care provider for supported living in the community and is situated in Castle Street
2.The Sheiling School, which provides special educational needs and is located in Castle Street/Park Road
Both of these endeavours to provide and encourage walks into the Town Centre for personal development
The Council is in the process of completing the Equalities Impact Assessment. Therefore, at this time. The Council is applying the relevant exemption in the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004, Reg 12(4)(d) – material that is in the course of completion. In respect to the application of the public interest test, this exemption has been applied as the information requested (where such information is held by the Council) is not in a completed form and may be subject to further revision and amendment, hence the benefit of retaining the information at this stage outweighs the public interest of disclosing incomplete information. In accordance with Reg 14(3)(b) it is estimated that the information will be in a completed format ready for disclosure after May 2022 (subject to change).
Provide report into encouraging safe walking & cycling into the Town Centre from the fringes of Thornbury including dedicated cycleways from the new estates along Morton Way, Gloucester Road and Butt Lane Under Regulation 12, part 4 (a) – The Council does not hold this information when the request was received
Confirm the criteria used for public health when closing the High Street at the start of the pandemic – for instance the 2 metre social distancing recommendation
At the start of the pandemic transport authorities were able to use new emergency procedures to put in place measures urgently for purposes connected to coronavirus. Details relating to the emergency procedure are set out in the following regulations:
Regulation 18 of Part VI (Temporary Provisions Applicable During the Coronavirus Pandemic) of The Road Traffic (temporary Restrictions Procedure Regulation 1992 (SI 1992/1215, as amended by SI 2020/536).
Confirm the criteria currently used for public health at the pinch points to the Northern end of the road closure adjacent to The Swan & the Butcher’s Hook and the Southern ends adjacent to The Malthouse where such considerations do not appear to be applied
The above regulations remained in force until 30 April 2021. The current criteria, which applies to the pinch points you have identified are set out in the following regulations concerning Experimental Traffic regulation Orders:
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (legislation.gov.uk)
Confirm criteria for the fortnightly Market which appears to have no health & safety or social distancing restrictions in place The market was approved by the Council’s Licencing Sub-Committee on the 15th December 2020. I copy of the report which is available on the Council’s website can be accessed via the link below.
Para 23 makes it clear that ‘In England, a local restriction tier system commenced Wednesday 2nd December 2020. The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020’. Markets must be adhere to these regulations which allowed indoor and outdoor markets for the sale of essential and non-essential goods.