Extraordinary Meeting 24th May 7.30pm at Thornbury Leisure Centre
There will be questions submitted by TTaDRA and a NO group supporting closure of the High Street to South Gloucestershire Council
These questions have already been submitted to the Town Council who will select which questions to ask
Cllr Steve Reade will reply to these questions, having already been supplied with the questions in advance
The Town Council are anticipating a high level of interest from the public, hence an Extraordinary Meeting and it being held in a large hall
Pease attend the meeting to show your concern about South Gloucestershire Councils proposals for Thornbury High Street and support TTaDRA
Notice of Meeting
To all Councillors
Please take notice that an Extraordinary Meeting of the Full Council of Thornbury Town Council will be held at
Thornbury Leisure Centre (Conference Hall 2) on Wednesday 25May 2022 at 7.30pm.
All Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the above meeting for the purpose of considering and resolving
upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder.
Jayne Stansfield, Town Mayor/Chair
1. Emergency evacuation procedure
2. To note any apologies for absence
3. To receive declarations of interest from members
4. Minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 24 May 2022
• To resolve to carry forward the approval and signature of the minutes to the next meeting of
the Full Council
5. Public participation
• To take representations from members of the public in line with the guidance provided
6. Thornbury High Street pedestrianisation – Cllr Steve Reade, Cabinet member for Regeneration
Environment and Strategic Infrastructure, South Gloucestershire Council
Thornbury Town Council is committed to community engagement and therefore warmly
invites members of the public to contribute to this meeting under the listed agenda item
‘Public Participation’.
Thornbury Town Council Standing Orders allow for 20 minutes to be allocated under the
‘Public Participation’, with up to 10 minutes per individual. These timings may be altered
at the discretion of the Chairman, who may, for example, further limit the time allocated
to individuals to allow for more members of the public an opportunity to speak.
If you wish to address the meeting under Public Participation:
• Raise your hand when requesting to speak and stand when speaking*
• Direct your comments to the chairman of the meeting.
One person is permitted to speak at a time. If more than one person wants to speak, the
chairman of the meeting shall direct the order of speaking.
During the Public Participation section of the meeting: members of the public should
note that the council is only allowed to take decisions on topics that are publicised on the
agenda; items not on the agenda may be carried forward for a response at a later date. A
question shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate on the question.
The chairman of the meeting may direct that a written or oral response be given.
After the Public Participation section of the meeting: Members of the public are asked to
respect the fact that this is a meeting to conduct council business and interruptions during
the remainder of the meeting are not permitted.
This guidance is based on the Thornbury Town Council Standing Orders. These are the
rules that govern the Town Council.
Thank you for attending this meeting.