Thornbury Town and District Residents Association

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Poll on Thursday and link to AHAA

May 24, 2022


Please remember to turnout and vote in the Parish Poll for the High Street on Thursday 24th May between 4.00 and 9.00 and one of the three normal polling stations and vote YES

It appears another group has circulated fliers asking for a NON vote, so it is important that we get as many people along to vote YES as is possible. Brig your friends in Thornbury and neighbours

There is another Poll on the same day and two separate voting slips will be issued in the polling sttaion


The Armstrong Hall Action Alliance (AHAA) are also asking for a YES vote

It seems a good idea to TTaDRA to keep the Armstrong Hall facilities in the centre of Thornbury rather than have the halls demolished and sold off with the vague possibilty that they might one day be built on the site of Turnberries

See their new website for details


John Reynolds is permitted to attend the count for both polls which begins at 9.00pm on Thursday.

We are not quite sure when results will be known but we will publish them ASAP on this website and also send an email to our contacts & members

Bit of life from SGC

After the South Glos Council meeting in Kingswood last week where several residents were given the opportunity to speak it is noticeable that SGC are taking a significantly more active role with Rachel Hunt responding to questions from Thornbury Town Council, Steve Reade appearing at the Extraordinary Meeting on Wednesday and Nigel Riglar responding to emails from TTaDRA. Maybe that is the best way to motivate them, although we do still have to hear from Toby Savage. Whilst none of the responses so far are adequate at leastt hat is a start that we can continue to work on