Thornbury Radio
Listen in from 7.00 to 8.00pm on Tuesday 24th May and repeated on Wednesday 25th May to hear Ashley Smith (Chair TTaDRa) and Stephen Davey debate the changes to Thornbury high Street ahead of the Parish Poll on Thursday
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Email Letter from Thornbury Town Council to Toby Savage
14 April 2022
Councillor Toby Savage, Leader of the Council
Dear Councillor Savage
Thornbury High Street Pedestrianisation Project
Thornbury Town Council feels that the Thornbury High Street pedestrianisation project has been handled appallingly by South Gloucestershire Council, in terms of consultation and implementation. This has resulted in unprecedented ill feeling and confusion across the Town, with a strength of feeling on both sides.
The public have been, and remain, confused by the responsibilities of South Gloucestershire Council versus the Town Council. This has resulted in a great deal of anger being directed towards Town Council councillors and staff, and reputational damage to the Town Council. Recently forty-eight unhappy members of the public attended a routine Planning Committee meeting, simply because there was an agenda item for South Gloucestershire Council Officers to provide an update to councillors. South Gloucestershire Council has not done anything to help clarify the situation, including responsibilities, to the public.
The Town Council have a number of questions regarding the plans for the Thornbury High Street Pedestrian Project. A number of these have been asked repeatedly with no adequate response received to date:
- What are the plans for Rock Street realignment and when will this take place? 2. What were the results of any air quality tests on Rock Street?
- The situation on Castle Court is unacceptable and dangerous. Whilst the Traffic Order means that road marks are not compulsory, so I understand, enforcement will be difficult as most of the parking issues are 24 hours. When will the yellow lines be reinstated?
- Thornbury in Bloom own a number of hanging basket poles on the High Street, but these are currently being used by South Gloucestershire Council to place street signs. When will these signs be removed so that the hanging baskets can be displayed?
- Local businesses use the old pavement to leave their dustbins and leave litter in bags. This has a negative impact on the street scene. Will this be addressed?
- What is the plan for maintaining the planters?
- Regarding the arrangement of planters outside the Malthouse, South Gloucestershire Council were going to review the design in that area. What progress has been made on this?
- South Gloucestershire Council undertook to approach the community bus company to see if they would provide a bus service up the high street. Has this been progressed?
- South Gloucestershire has cited national figures when talking about improving retail figures. Do you have any local evidence?
- The recent update from Donna Whinham and Verity Britton said that the one-way system would be enforced by the police and use of CCTV. Please can you provide specific details on the how enforcement will work? What arrangements will there be for enforcement in the evenings?
- The Prezzo outdoor space appears to have been abandoned. Have you engaged Prezzo, and other tenants regarding such spaces, and what is the outcome on this? If the retailers do not have any plans for this area, do you have any plans for licensing to other businesses
- At the last update provided by South Gloucestershire Council to our Planning and Town Development Committee on 29 March there was still no news on whether buses will return to the High Street nor how will they be accommodated if they do return. It is not acceptable to say, as was said at the meeting, that buses (if they do return) will simply stop in the middle of a one-way street with all the hold ups for other traffic that this would entail. To do so seems to risk (perhaps this is South Gloucestershire Council’s intended outcome?) inviting the bus operators to decide not to return to the High Street. Will you be providing specific laybys for buses, so they do not block the roads?
- South Gloucestershire Council’s business case to obtain funding for the High Street project appears to assume that that an additional 2,000 walking/cycling trips of 1.1 miles to and from the High Street would occur as a result of the implementation of the scheme. Where is the evidence for this assumption and were any surveys taken prior to covid to form a base against which future walking/cycling activity can be judged?
- South Gloucestershire Council seem to have assumed that a third of the £6 million claimed financial benefit from the High Street scheme comes from relieving traffic congestions at junctions elsewhere in the town. Whilst the Town Council have already asked for, and would welcome action taken, to reduce traffic congestion at junctions in the town, the reality of the situation is that the current level of congestion has been brought about by South Gloucestershire Council’s decision to close the High Street to through traffic. Please give your view on this.
We look forward to a full response to the points raised above.
South Gloucestershire Council undertook to engage with the Town Council regarding the proposed changes to Thornbury High Street, but we do not feel that this has happened. Presenting/reporting plans to the Town Council is not engagement. Engagement should be a two-way process.
South Gloucestershire Officers sent to update Thornbury Town Council to date have had to deal with uncomfortable situations with irate members of the public. We would like to request that the Cabinet Members with responsibility for the scheme, Councillor Rachael Hunt and Councillor Steve Reade, attend our next Full Council meeting at 7.30pm on 24th May to address the Town Council.
Email from South Gloucestershire Council to Thornbury Town Council
First, on behalf of South Gloucestershire Council, I would like to thank Thornbury Town Council for your work to date to support a thriving high street and look forward to that partnership work continuing.
By way of background it is worth setting out that the High Street was initially closed to most motorists to provide additional space for active travel and social distancing on 8th June 2020 using an emergency traffic order. The scheme aimed to give people confidence to return to a safe environment. Prior to the closure, meetings were held with local stakeholder groups and localised communication took place.
On the expiry of the emergency order, an experimental traffic order was made. This is a legally enforceable order that can last for up to 18 months and allows changes to be made to the highway whilst a consultation is undertaken, enabling residents, visitors and businesses to experience the changes made. An experimental order was made for Thornbury High Street on 17th July 2020 and operative from 28th July 2020.
On the 7th June 2021 South Gloucestershire’s Cabinet voted to support the future vision for Thornbury High Street.
As a result of the global pandemic delivery of the project to date has been during unprecedented times; the project team have worked to engage with key stakeholders and provide updates within covid guidance.
I am disappointed to hear your strength of feeling with regards to communication with Thornbury Town Council on the Thornbury High Street project, South Gloucestershire Council Officers Verity Britton and Donna Whinham would like to meet with you to agree how they can work to resolve your concerns. I am aware that my Cabinet colleague Steve Reade has also agreed to meet with you.
In the meantime, I have provided a response to the questions raised in your letter: 1. What are the plans for Rock Street realignment and when will this take place?
The realignment of the road on Rock Street, near the bus stop will be completed June 2022.
South Gloucestershire Council
Department for Environment and Community Services, PO Box 1954 Bristol, BS37 0DD
- What were the results of any air quality tests on Rock Street?
The finalised 2021 data is not yet available unfortunately. As soon as it is available, we will let you know. The monitoring data will be published in the Air Quality Annual Status Report due this summer.
In the meantime, however, the results of monitoring in previous years and “raw” data for 2021 gives a good indication of whether there is an air quality problem in the area. The council have monitored nitrogen dioxide in Thornbury High Street (Site 11) for a number of years and the results for 2015 – 2020 are shown in the table below.
No. |
Site Name | Annual mean NO | 2 | concentration (µg/m | ||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | ||
11 | Thornbury – High Street | 25.5 | 26.8 | 25.6 | 24.7 | 24.2 |
2020 14.7
The results show the annual average nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels are well below the national target of 40 μg/m3 at this site in all these years. In 2020, the nitrogen dioxide levels fell by nearly 40% compared to 2019 due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and the closure of Thornbury High Street to vehicles. The raw 2021 data indicates similarly low levels to those monitored in 2020.
While there is no previous data for the new monitoring site in Rock Street (site 187) set up in February 2021 following the changes to the High Street, the raw 2021 data indicates the annual average nitrogen dioxide levels are also likely to be well below
the national target (40 μg/m3). It is acknowledged that the pandemic restrictions in 2021 would have reduced traffic volumes, so the monitoring in Rock Street will remain in place to assess any potential ongoing impacts of the changed traffic movements in the town centre, although it is not anticipated that air quality will be significantly affected.
- The situation on Castle Court is unacceptable and dangerous. Whilst the Traffic Order means that road marks are not compulsory, so I understand, enforcement will be difficult as most of the parking issues are 24 hours. When will the yellow lines be reinstated?
The council are aware of the issues caused by parking on Castle Court, the new Traffic Regulation Orders were introduced on the 17th January 2022. We have experienced some delays with the signing and lining; however, I am pleased to confirm that this work is now complete. Our Civil Enforcement team have been notified and have started enforcement of the new restrictions. Initially this will be using warning notices and giving information to the public to ensure that they understand the new rules, after a couple of weeks they will issue Penalty Charge Notices. Once this happens, we are confident that the parking situation in Castle Court will return to what it once was when the double yellow lines were in place, we will monitor and review the situation further. Unfortunately, any new restrictions take time to bed in and regular visitors to the area will need time to adapt to the new rules.
Information on the restricted parking zone can be found in this frequently asked questions document -Asked-Questions-V3.pdf
South Gloucestershire Council
Department for Environment and Community Services, PO Box 1954 Bristol, BS37 0DD
- Thornbury in Bloom own a number of hanging basket poles on the High Street, but these are currently being used by South Gloucestershire Council to place street signs. When will these signs be removed so that the hanging baskets can be displayed?
The council were made aware of an issue that has now been resolved.
- Local businesses use the old pavement to leave their dustbins and leave litter in bags. This has a negative impact on the street scene. Will this be addressed?
Please provide more detail on the specific locations in Thornbury so that Waste Management can visit and take action where appropriate.
- What is the plan for maintaining the planters?
The council have awarded Thornbury in Bloom funding to maintain the planters.
- Regarding the arrangement of planters outside the Malthouse, South Gloucestershire Council were going to review the design in that area. What progress has been made on this?
The current outdoor seating licence expires September 2022.
Street Licencing and the project team are engaging with local businesses to understand their requirements for outdoor seating in the permanent scheme.
- South Gloucestershire Council undertook to approach the community bus company to see if they would provide a bus service up the high street. Has this been progressed?
The project team met with Four Towns Community Transport who confirmed that they regularly pick up and drop off passengers on Thornbury High Street.
- South Gloucestershire has cited national figures when talking about improving retail figures. Do you have any local evidence?
Please provide clarification on this question.
- The recent update from Donna Whinham and Verity Britton said that the one way system would be enforced by the police and use of CCTV. Please can you provide specific details on the how enforcement will work? What arrangements will there be for enforcement in the evenings?
The new Traffic Regulation Orders were introduced on the 17th January 2022. South Gloucestershire Council are working with key stakeholders to implement, monitor and enforce the new scheme.
- The Prezzo outdoor space appears to have been abandoned. Have you engaged Prezzo, and other tenants regarding such spaces, and what is the outcome on this? If the retailers do not have any plans for this area, do you have any plans for licensing to other businesses.
The current outdoor seating licence expires September 2022.
Street Licencing and the project team are engaging with local businesses to understand their requirements for outdoor seating in the permanent scheme.
South Gloucestershire Council
Department for Environment and Community Services, PO Box 1954 Bristol, BS37 0DD
- At the last update provided by South Gloucestershire Council to our Planning and Town Development Committee on 29 March there was still no news on whether buses will return to the High Street nor how will they be
accommodated if they do return. It is not acceptable to say, as was said at the meeting, that buses (if they do return) will simply stop in the middle of a one way street with all the hold ups for other traffic that this would entail. To do so seems to risk (perhaps this is South Gloucestershire Council’s intended outcome?) inviting the bus operators to decide not to return to the High Street. Will you be providing specific laybys for buses, so they do not block the roads?
The council are working with public transport operators and the West of England Combined Authority (who are the transport authority for our area) to facilitate the return of bus services to Thornbury High Street; initial conversations suggest that
services are likely to return once the construction on the High Street is complete. To date, public transport providers have responded positively to the opportunity to service Thornbury High Street.
The permanent bus stop and shelter on Thornbury High Street will be outside of Costa, the bus stop location is on the latest High Street plan (released March 2022).
The bus cage will be marked in the single carriageway outside of Costa. Any traffic that drives through the High Street while the bus is loading, and un-loading must wait for the bus to finish boarding. Traffic movement through the High Street has significantly reduced.
- South Gloucestershire Council’s business case to obtain funding for the High Street project appears to assume that that an additional 2,000 walking/cycling trips of 1.1 miles to and from the High Street would occur as a result of the implementation of the scheme. Where is the evidence for this assumption and were any surveys taken prior to covid to form a base against which future walking/cycling activity can be judged?
The business case has been through WECA full assurance to confirm the benefits associated with the delivery of the scheme.
- South Gloucestershire Council seem to have assumed that a third of the £6 million claimed financial benefit from the High Street scheme comes from relieving traffic congestions at junctions elsewhere in the town. Whilst the Town Council have already asked for, and would welcome action taken, to reduce traffic congestion at junctions in the town, the reality of the situation is that the current level of congestion has been brought about by South Gloucestershire Council’s decision to close the High Street to through traffic. Please give your view on this.
The pedestrian prioritisation scheme on the High Street has currently resulted in some displaced traffic trips. The permanent scheme will deliver active and sustainable initiatives that will reduce congestion, improve air quality, alongside physical and mental health benefits.
In summary, we recognise that there is more work to do with you along with residents and businesses as we continue to implement our agreed vision for the high street and to help it thrive into the future. The unprecedented funding package for the high street, alongside investment in Thornbury’s schools (notably Castle and Marlwood) and in purchasing the Thornbury Hospital site demonstrates our commitment as a council to support an exciting future for the town.
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Executive Member for Communities and Local Place
Comment by TTaDRA
The reply from Cllr Rachael Hunt, would appear to give answers but we are sure you will be able to make up your own mind on the adequacy of both the Questions and Answers
Will TTC will be satisfied with the response? We will find out at the Extraordinary Meeting of Thornbury Town Council on Wednesday 25th May – see next News Post for details
You may notice also, that the original letter was addressed to Toby Savage, but that he has again ducked and dived, and left the reply to someone else.
The following points will be made by one of the TTaDRA members at the start of the Thornbury Town Council meeting on Tuesday 24th May
I was very interested to listen to Councillor Tyrrell’s speech to South Glos Council on 18 May, on the Thornbury Neighbourhood Plan item.
You thanked the people who had helped to formulate and deliver the plan, including an individual who is the Principal Planning Officer of a neighbouring Local Authority. That Plan includes the aim of preserving the historic nature of our rural market town. Would it surprise you, Councillor, to learn that the said Principal Planning Officer would appear to be a leading light in the NO campaign in the forthcoming Parish Poll, which will adversely affect the nature of our rural market town, thus siding with the views of South Gloucestershire Council? I am sure that you can see a conflict of interest here, when an official from one Local Authority is involved in promoting the plans of another.
You went on to say, Councillor, in reference to the speakers from Thornbury:
“I think that before speaking on the subject, people need to do a little more research into the facts of the matter”
That, Councillor, demonstrates an appalling lack of awareness and understanding of the work and research that the Residents Association has carried out in its dealings with South Glos Council, WECA and the Metro Mayor. Or is it just the case that, when at South Gloucestershire Council meetings, you choose to brief against Thornbury residents?
I understand that there have been long-term difficulties in obtaining information from SGC and that you, Councillor, have had to face up to disgruntled residents because of this, but you appear to address your audiences at the two Councils with two different agendas. On one side, you are a signatory to the letter to Toby Savage on 14 April, saying that the project has been handled appallingly, but on the other, you denigrate the Thornbury residents who voiced the same views. Would you please make your position clear to this town’s electors and your fellow Councillors, and clear this matter up? Fence-sitting is not an option here.